The transformation to a climate-neutral economy in Europe requires comprehensive changes in the legal, regulatory and market framework. For this purpose, BDEW Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft e.V. (German Association of Energy and Water Industries) has prepared a detailed discussion paper for a “long-term market design for Germany”.

E-Bridge contributed proposed solutions for the development of demand-side flexibility potential at the medium and high-voltage level by grid operators:

✅  Rapid piloting and demand-driven introduction of complementary market-based redispatch.
✅  Review of network tariffs: Network tariffs must not stand in the way of activating flexibility, and development of congestion-oriented tariffs for MS/HS seems reasonable.
✅  Locational incentives: incentives for locating in grid-relieving locations.

For more information, please see:

Download Study “Study Concepts for the Utilization of High and Medium Voltage Flexibility at Network Operators” (German language only)
Contribution to BDEW concept “Long-term Market Design for Germany”
BDEW Market Design Concept
Your contact

Dr. Henning Schuster
Executive Consultant