From 1 January 2025, all electricity suppliers in Germany will be legally obliged to offer a dynamic tariff. According to the legislation, this is a tariff that “reflects the price fluctuations on the spot markets, including the day-ahead and intraday markets, at intervals that at least correspond to the settlement intervals of the respective market” (Section 3 (31b) EnWG). The aim of the project is to support the participating energy supply companies of the KOV with a clear action plan and implementation recommendations for the introduction of a dynamic tariff.
Firstly, a common picture of the definition of dynamic electricity tariffs and the requirements and boundary conditions for their introduction was created with the project participants. A minimum variant that could be implemented by all participants was then described and evaluated in terms of its attractiveness for electricity suppliers and customers. As the project progressed, the main focus was on analysing the procedural changes required for the introduction of a dynamic electricity tariff, and in particular on procurement and billing, as these were identified by the energy supply companies as the greatest challenges. The findings of this analysis were recorded in a step-by-step implementation plan.
The project developed an easy-to-implement minimum variant of a dynamic tariff that fulfils all legal requirements. The procedural changes required for the introduction of the tariffs and the procurement of electricity volumes were analysed and a step-by-step implementation plan was developed, which will enable the KOV plants to offer a dynamic tariff by 1 January 2025 in order to meet the legal requirements.