The expansion of renewable energies and the ramp-up of load-side flexibility (e.g. electric cars, heat pumps, larger flexible loads) presents both transmission system operators and distribution system operators with challenges at all voltage levels.

The small-scale flexibilities are primarily connected in the low voltage and can in principle contribute to solving all problems. At the same time, solutions to one problem should not exacerbate other problems. The current legal framework and the proposals presented by regulators are not sufficient. A coherent overall concept of complementary market-based redispatch (“Redispatch 3.0”) and smart grid integration (e.g. grid check-in, envelope curve concepts, etc.) is required.

The project is divided into five work packages. After the coherent overall concept and addressing the problem, the focus is on the implementation model with technical requirements. This is followed by the introduction proposal and communication with stakeholders as well as the preparation of pilot projects with market participants. The final work package deals with stakeholder management as a cross-cutting issue.

E-Bridge advises the providers of load-side flexibility (industrial consumers as well as potential aggregators of small-scale decentralized flexibility), knows the current operational processes in congestion management at transmission and distribution grid level, designs solution concepts for the future use of flexibility in both the transmission grid and the distribution grid and stands for efficient and reliable project management, which ensures processing within the planned time and budget.

An implementation concept for a complementary market-based redispatch with smart grid integration of flexibility in the low voltage is being developed in consultation with relevant stakeholders. A distinction is made between the initial solution, evolutionary steps and the target scenario. In addition, the multi-year pilot phase “Piloting of complementary market-based congestion management” (PKME) is being prepared and research questions and pilot objectives to be clarified are being derived. The results will be incorporated into a final report, which will be published. In addition, an internal program initiation document (PID) will be drawn up to structure the cooperation over the coming years.

Your contact

Gerald Blumberg
Principal Consultant