With over 100 guests, we are celebrating the 20th anniversary of E-Bridge today with our conference at the LVR LandesMuseum Bonn and looking into the future of the European energy transition. Here are the voices from the first session “Future prospects for the energy transition in Germany”:
Henning Schuster, E-Bridge Consulting: “The energy transition has finally reached everyone! Partnerships and cooperation are now crucial to success and must be promoted even more.”
Mario Schirru, Encavis AG from the production perspective: “The biggest challenge from our point of view: market prices, making consumption more flexible and understanding at what speed which developments will occur.”
Dr. Egon Leo Westphal, Bayernwerk from the network perspective: “We must increasingly think from the regions about how we can contribute to secure power. In particular by integrating flexumers, expanding large-scale storage facilities, expanding CHP and decentralized “H2-ready” gas-fired power plants.”
Nicolas F. Steinbacher, Northvolt from the consumer perspective: “It must be clear that the availability of battery technology is a supply risk for Germany. The underlying supply chains must also be understood and kept in view.”
Barbie Haller, Bundesnetzagentur from the perspective of regulation: “The key issue for the work of the Federal Network Agency in the coming years will be the integration of flexibility. This is the only way to keep the system stable, achieve security of supply and enable everyone to participate in the energy transition.”