With over 100 guests, we are celebrating the 20th anniversary of E-Bridge today with our conference at the LVR LandesMuseum Bonn and looking to the future of the European energy transition. Our second session Pathways for European System Integration discussed new approaches and enhancement of European cooperation to accomplish a cost-effective, secure, and green power system:
Tuncay Tuerkucar, E-Bridge Consulting : To make the energy transition a success, an integrated European system development approach aiming for a joint development of energy infrastructure is needed.
Tim Meyerjürgens, TenneT TSO GmbH: We need more cooperation, we need more standardization and we can’t wait for each customer focusing on their own solutions.
Tobias Paulun, European Commodity Clearing AG: I expect the next driver of growth for energy markets to be new participants, who come from different markets.
Bert den Ouden, HyXchange: The hydrogen market of the future will not only need European cooperation, but global due to blue hydrogen import needs.