The Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) finalized the methodology and assumptions that are to be used in the bidding zone review process. Regulation 943/2019 requires ENTSO-E to report on structural congestions and other major physical congestions between, and within, bidding zones on a tri-annual basis. In order to ensure an optimal configuration of bidding zones, a bidding zone review needs to be performed, that identifies all structural congestions and includes an analysis of different configurations of bidding zones.
E-Bridge is supporting the TSOs in the Central European region – which comprises the bidding zones: France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany/ Luxembourg, Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Romania, Denmark 1, Switzerland and Italy 1 (Nord) – in their bidding zone review process.
E-Bridge provides project management services and is leading the Bidding Zone Task Force and the Bidding Zone Modelling Task Force.
E-Bridge will lead the work in the Nordic bidding zone review including:
- Develop project plan (time plan, resources, deliverables)
- Follow up on progress
- Schedule and prepare meetings and document meetings in the Nordic Bidding zone review Task force
- Report to Nordic Steering group
- Represent the Nordic TSOs in the ENTSO-E cooperation
- Participate as an expert in the analysis needed to perform the review
According to European legislation, the bidding zone configurations in the EU shall be reviewed on a regular basis to make sure they are defined in an optimal way. The Nordic TSOs are involved in a pan-European study in which alternative bidding zone configurations are defined based on the expected presence of structural grid congestion in 2025. These configurations will be compared with the current configuration based on multiple perspectives such as economic efficiency, operational security and cross-zonal trade opportunities. The result will be a recommendation to either modify or retain the current bidding zones.