On 4 July, 78 Bavarian distribution system operators joined forces with E-Bridge in Munich to shape the future of distribution grids in our cooperation platform “Kooperationsplattform Netz”.
The „Kooperationsplattform Netz” is the result of our long-standing partnership with municipal energy suppliers. It demonstrates how small distribution grid operators can master the challenges of the energy transition and digitalisation in order to ensure a sustainable and efficient municipal energy supply. The key to this is cooperation. Under the leadership of Christian Kraemer, we set the course for further successful cooperation at our conference.
It became clear that the challenges of the energy transition in the distribution grid can only be tackled together. Increased cooperation between grid operators is therefore sensible and necessary.
This is why E-Bridge implements the preventive control requirements for grid operators in accordance with §14a EnWG, thus creating synergies in the provision of digital tools and expertise.
A key topic of discussion was grid transparency. We are striving to standardise and harmonise interfaces and data hubs between the network operators to be able to jointly develop and operate future applications. A good example of this is the successful digital grid connection portal, which Ebsygon has customised specifically to the needs grid operators.
Together we are taking the next steps towards sustainable and future-proof local energy systems!