Mitsubishi Corporation Power (MCP) wants to switch the supply of electricity, heat and steam to industrial customers in Japan from coal-fired power generation to “green”, CO2-reducing technologies. Hydrogen, CCS/CCU, biomass, and electrification of heat and steam play a major role in this. E-Bridge supported Mitsubishi with the analysis and evaluation of possible decarbonization options in the industrial sector. Among other things, European climate policy, regulation and support instruments for CO2-reducing technologies were analyzed. Furthermore, the technical and economic feasibility of individual technologies as well as concrete decarbonization projects were to be examined.

E-Bridge developed three focal points: European climate policy and funding instruments, decarbonization options and technologies, selection of relevant pilot projects in Europe. Subsequently, a stakeholder survey was conducted with selected industrial companies on concrete decarbonization projects.

Regular conference calls were held with MCP on the work packages. The three work packages and the summaries of the roundtable discussions were processed into a detailed final report.

In addition to the technical aspects, E-Bridge also identified and analyzed the relevant regulatory instruments as well as the funding instruments for decarbonization in Europe. The relevant decarbonization technologies were thus described and analyzed in terms of technical and economic feasibility. The conducted roundtable interviews with selected industry representatives provided MCP with important information, experiences and insights of the European industry in the realization of decarbonization projects and the implementation of decarbonization strategies.

Your contact

Gerald Blumberg
Principal Consultant