We are pleased to present to you the first edition of our H2 Barometer 2023, in which we have summarized the current state of development towards a functioning hydrogen economy.

This edition focuses on positive developments: Investors in electrolysis plants are benefiting from the revision of the RED II directives, and the adoption of the Building Energy Act enables (partial) access to the heat market.

Furthermore, we are excited to introduce the “HydexPLUS”: the evolution of the hydrogen price index “Hydex” launched by E-Bridge into an optimized full-cost index, serving as a reliable evaluation tool for investors and regulatory authorities.

A special highlight of this edition is undoubtedly the interview with Christian Ehret, Managing Director of Avacon Netz GmbH. It highlights that hydrogen will play a significant role for grid operators in the future, as this energy carrier offers flexibility in integrating high capacities of renewable energy.

We wish you an exciting and stimulating read. Our H2 team is looking forward to your feedback and suggestions.


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Your contact

Dr. Philipp-Matthias Heuser
Principal Consultant
Leader Hydrogen