The customer would like to determine at regular intervals which additional, location-dependent revenue streams are possible when operating a large-scale battery storage system. They would also like to be informed about relevant regulatory changes for battery storage operators and have these classified in terms of probability of occurrence, timing and relevance for their business model.

Current discussions and market developments were presented for a specific set of ancillary services and grid requirements on the market and potential revenue opportunities were analyzed.

In this context, for example, reactive power markets, black start capability markets, momentary reserve markets or possible revenue streams from an upcoming market-based redispatch are relevant. The calculation methodology of opportunity costs and the determination of financial compensation in cost-based redispatch and the question of correctness in the context of regulatory requirements are also part of the project.

In addition, various grid connection contract concepts (“FCA”) and the connection with the choice of location will be addressed and the best-practice approaches that can be used to design the procedure for grid operators will be discussed.

The customer understood the revenue opportunities and was able to improve its strategy, particularly in project planning and in the context of site selection and approaching grid operators.

Your contact

Dr. Henrik Schwaeppe
Senior Consultant