Boom of renewable energies as well as expansion and digitalisation of the grids – in order to keep up with the growing demands of the Energy transition, a distribution grid operator needs a well-structured asset management.

Many assets (lines, transformers, etc.) have a lifetime of several decades. In a very dynamic environment, it is therefore necessary to work with a lot of vision. An asset management system (AMS) helps with this:

  • Clear value and target specifications provide the orientation (e.g. how important are the requirements “connection of RE plants” and “renewal of existing assets” in relation to each other?).
  • A defined, risk-based strategy process translates the alignment into applicable strategies
  • The strategies are operationalised, resulting in a prioritisation of individual measures to match the targets
  • These measures are implemented efficiently
  • A regular, KPI-based performance review lays the foundation for continuous improvement.

The HanseWerk Group is setting up such an AMS. We are pleased to be able to support it.

A management workshop was recently held to define the target model and roadmap for the further development towards an AMS based on the international standard ISO 55001.

It is started with an MVP approach (Minimum Viable Product), i.e. start quickly and practically with the most important topics, achieve practical benefits at an early stage and make continuous improvements. After gaining this initial experience, the approach is fully applied. The pragmatic DNA of HanseWerk inspires Matthias Wessels. He leads the E-Bridge Consulting team supporting HanseWerk. He says, “A well-structured asset management with consistent, efficient processes and clear, matching responsibilities is elementary for every distribution grid operator to be able to manage the energy transition. HanseWerk has recognised this and is tackling the issue with a high level of commitment and a focus on rapid benefits for the grid customers“.

Benjamin Merkt, Malgorzata Cybulska, Peter Gruchala, Jens Peter Solterbeck, Oliver Kerz, Jan Hansen, Alexander Neumann, Carolin Engel, Matthias Wessels, Sten Kramin

Your contact

Matthias Wessels
Principal Consulant