Since 2006, the European Regulators Group for Electricity and Gas (ERGEG) has launched initiatives to bring together National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs), TSOs, PXs and other stakeholders to create a well-functioning Internal Energy Market (IEM). The common vision for the completion of this IEM in electricity is: electricity markets across Europe must share a set of common features and must be linked by efficient management of interconnection capacities.
The NRAs and the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) have published a Cross-regional Roadmap for the implementation of a single day-ahead European Price Coupling and the Roadmap was approved by the Florence Forum in December 2011. The Roadmap indicates the implementation of a European Price Coupling (EPC) in North Western Europe (NWE), consistent with a parallel/sequential process of further integration leading to the achievement of the EPC. Other regions and countries may be coupled to NWE at the start of the NWE Price Coupling provided that this does not delay the start date of NWE Price Coupling. The NWE NRAs have also indicated that the borders to neighbouring markets that are currently considered in the Interim Tight Volume Coupling (ITVC) solution should continue to be coupled under NWE Price Coupling.

The technical assistance work included:

  • E-Bridge supports the NWE Joint TSO / PX Steering Committee (JSC), the Working Group (WG) and Task Force leaders.
    E-Bridge in its role as Project Management Office (PMO) is acting as “Secretary General”, coordinating with WG leaders and ensuring the overall consistency of the project. The project organization consists of several working groups and task forces responsible for specific deliverables.
  • In addition to the Project management E-Bridge provides technical assistance e.g. in reviewing the high-level architecture and business processes of the NWE Market Coupling project.
  • E-Bridge provides the convenor of the Procedures Task Force.
  • The participating North West European TSOs are AFFÄRSVERKET SVENSKA KRAFTNÄT, AMPRION GmbH, CREOS, ENERGINET.DK, ELIA SYSTEM OPERATOR, FINGRID OYJ, NATIONAL GRID INTERCONNECTORS LIMITED, Réseau de Transport d’Electricité, STATNETT SF, TENNET TSO B.V., TENNET TSO GmbH, TRANSNET BW GmbH and 50Hertz Transmission GmbH (“50Hertz”). The participating North West European PXs are APX-ENDEX Power B.V., BELPEX, EPEX Spot SE and NORD POOL SPOT.
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Tjacka Bus
Principal Consultant
Leader Program & Project Management