It was a great honour for Steffen Boche to be a speaker at the 72nd General Assembly of the VÖEW (Association of Austrian Electricity Utilities) in the Steiermark region.
In his presentation he gave a comprehensive overview of the German regulatory system. The previous contribution by the Austrian E-Control on the framework conditions for the 5th regulatory period was extremely informative and it was complemented by the subsequent presentation by Elisa Schenner from the Brussels EU DSO Entity.
Particularly exciting was the opportunity to shed light on the differences in the regulatory instruments between Austria and Germany. Both countries use incentive regulation with a 5-year regulation period. While Germany is in the 4th regulation period in the electricity from 2024 to 2028, Austria has already reached the 5th regulation period. This comparison provided interesting insights into the different designs of the regulatory instruments.
It was inspiring to meet and exchange knowledge with so many experts and decision-makers from the energy industry. A big thank you to the managing board of VÖEW for the invitation and the opportunity to participate in this event.