Nordic electricity sector cooperation over the last decades produced significant benefits for the sector and the Nordic society as a whole. It has also given the Nordic countries and TSOs an influential role in the development of the European electricity market. Compared to 1990’s and early 2000’s, the progress in regional integration and harmonisation has however slowed down.

Currently, increasing market dynamics and further integration of intermittent renewable generation increasingly challenges operation of the Nordic system. To ensure secure and efficient system and market operation in this new environment, the Nordic TSOs could benefit significantly from further Nordic cooperation.

E-Bridge has prepared, facilitated and moderated a two-day Strategy Workshop for the four Nordic TSOs. At this workshop the participants from the Regional Group Nordic (group steering cooperation in system operation) and the Nordic Market Steering Group (group steering market cooperation) successfully identified the main challenges and opportunities ahead. Based on these, they have defined the main strategic initiatives for the Nordic Cooperation. At the end of the seminar a Joint Declaration has been agreed.

Your contact

Tuncay Türkucar
Executive Consultant