Together with Trianel, we conducted an in-depth workshop on optimal power procurement strategies for green hydrogen. Three models were at the center of our discussions:

  1. Direct Connection to a Renewable Energy Plant – Power is sourced directly from renewable plants without grid access.
  2. PPA Model – Grid-supplied power secured through renewable energy PPAs.
  3. Structured PPA Model – A combination of PPA power and spot market procurement.

The Challenges:

  • PPA Sizing: The right technology mix is crucial to ensure stable operating hours for the electrolyzer.
  • Volume & Profile Risk: Despite flexible operation, over- and under-supply remain unavoidable – these must be balanced on the spot market.
  • Market Risks & Costs: A structured PPA model can reduce electricity costs and minimize residual power risks.

Open Regulatory Question
While the EEG 2023 (§ 93) already defines requirements for green hydrogen, the final legal ordinance is still pending. Similarly, the 37th BImSchV currently only provides criteria for crediting in the transport sector.

Our Conclusion:
Although uncertainty remains due to the lack of clear legal frameworks, structured PPAs offer an attractive solution for electrolyzers to reduce electricity procurement costs.

Let’s Keep the Discussion Going!
If you’d like to learn more, our colleagues Philipp Heuser & Andreas Gelfort are happy to connect!

A big thank you to Trianel for the engaging discussion!

Your contact

Dr. Philipp-Matthias Heuser
Principal Consultant
Leader Hydrogen