Current news from Bonn: the BNetzA has today determined the implementation of §14 EnWG – grid operators must take action now at the latest.
The specifications of the Federal Network Agency (link to BNetzA) have just been published with an implementation deadline of 1 January 2024, thus increasing the urge to act on the part of network operators.
Among other things, this includes a short-term adjustment
✅ of contract and offer documents, taking into account the grid fee modules to be offered,
✅ the billing systems,
✅ customer data management and
✅ an appropriate, initially planning-based determination of the network status to assess the need for action with regard to the implementation of preventive control.
In the short to medium term, the digitalisation of the low-voltage grid level has moved further into focus, which will now become a regulatory necessity with increasing congestions in the distribution grids. When implementing Section 14a, it is important to develop pragmatic and future-proof solutions that can be implemented quickly and efficiently.
As promised by the BNetzA, the concrete steps will now have to be further concretised. Dr Henning Schuster will also discuss how successful and, above all, efficient implementation can be achieved in detail in the energate digitaltalk on 13 December 2023 (free registration:
Please contact us if you have any questions: Dr. Christian Kraemer, Vicky Bung, Dr. Henning Schuster, David Echternacht