Grid congestions are a huge challenge for the energy transition. Grid expansion is the main solution, but it will take many years before structural congestions will be solved. Both, the #Netherlands and #Germany are facing similar problems and there seems to be a room for improvements in #congestion management. In order to learn from recent German developments E-Bridge & TrinSights plan a workshop tailored for Dutch network operators, market participants and policy makers on Friday April 12, 2024 in Utrecht.
In this workshop, practical experiences with congestion management in Germany are linked to Dutch challenges. For example, the following topics will be addressed:
- Experiences in the staged German implementations of congestion management (“#Redispatch 2.0”) including cooperation between system operators, information exchange and IT-requirements
- Ongoing developments to deal with problems at low-voltage grids in the context of integration of EVs and heat-pumps
- Insights from non-market based financial compensation processes and ongoing discussions in Germany
This unique workshop provides real insights. The aim is to learn from the German lessons and discuss ideas for an improved application of congestion management in the Netherlands. There is room for interactive sessions because the number of participants is kept limited.
The workshop is provided by Gerald Blumberg (principal consultant E-Bridge) and Paul Giesbertz (director TrinSights). Both have many years of experience with the problem of grid congestion. E-Bridge has supported various network operators in Germany with the implementation of congestion management.
For more information and registration please visit: