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Gas power plants as a backup for supply securityFHelle2025-03-04T14:10:46+01:00
Webinar on climate protection contractsadmin2024-03-13T10:37:02+01:00
Successful launch of the HYCLICXConny Dreesbach2023-11-03T13:13:52+01:00
Preparation of H2 target network planning for FerngasConny Dreesbach2023-11-03T13:14:19+01:00
Study on a regulatory and funding frame for hydrogen in SwitzerlandConny Dreesbach2023-11-03T13:17:16+01:00
Implementation of hydrogen projects – legal and economic framework conditionsConny Dreesbach2023-11-03T12:57:51+01:00
HH2E – Market verification for hydrogen production and renewable electricityConny Dreesbach2025-01-03T14:03:25+01:00
Hydrogen price drivers and pricing structuresConny Dreesbach2023-11-03T13:16:20+01:00
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