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Energy markets and Due Diligence

The decarbonization, decentralization and digitalisation of the energy industry offers numerous opportunities, especially for players in the non-regulated areas. For more than 15 years, E-Bridge has been accompanying the transformation in the German and European energy industry and has gained expertise and experience that are indispensable for assessing and overcoming the challenges ahead.

The Energy markets team supports the players in these competitive areas by helping to shape the market design, market, price and risk analyses, development and evaluation of business models as well as the development of sales and procurement strategies including the structuring of Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs).

Within the transformation process of the energy transition, changes are creating numerous opportunities. Transactions involving companies or assets offer the potential to exploit these opportunities. At the same time, transactions require a comprehensive examination of the target objects so that, in addition to the resulting opportunities, potential risks are also carefully analyzed and a sound basis for decision-making can be established.

Sound audits and valuations in the context of transactions require a high level of technical expertise as well as a holistic understanding of complex interrelationships in the energy system. E-Bridge’s experts have many years of experience in the execution of numerous successful transactions.

Benefit from our know-how and analysis competence in the field of Energy Markets.

Your contact

Gerald Blumberg
Principal Consultant

Commercialization and sourcing strategies including risk management
  • Economic-, Market Analyses and Price Forecasts (electricity, gas, hydrogen)
  • Commercialization and Sourcing Strategies (assets, industry)
  • Portfolio- and Risk Analysis
  • Development, Structuring, and Evaluation of Power Purchase Agreements and Hydrogen Purchase Agreements
  • Decarbonization, Emissions Trading, and Green Certificates (GO)
Your contact

Andreas Gelfort
Senior Consultant

Market design
  • Design of the technical and economic framework for energy markets
  • Conceptual development of grid- and system-supportive market design
  • Design and development of a cross-sectoral market design
  • Valuation of different market design elements from an economic and business perspective, as well as from a grid and system perspective
  • Further development of efficient and practical regulation

Your contact

Gerald Blumberg
Principal Consultant

Renewable Energies and Battery Energy Storages
  • Analysis of revenue potentials through market and trading simulations (electricity, balancing power, hydrogen) for renewable energies, storages, and Power-to-X assets
  • Assessment of uncertainties and their implications on the energy system through scenario analyses
  • Evaluation of innovative business models (e.g. co-location, flexible grid connection contracts)
  • Support with grid connection issues and coordination with grid operators
  • Identification of regulatory challenges and possible actions
  • Study “Integration of Offshore Electrolysis for the Production of Green Hydrogen in the EEZ of the North Sea”

Your contact

Dr. Henrik Schwaeppe
Senior Consultant

Energy costs of Industry and Consumers
  • Assessment and optimization of energy procurement costs (commodities, taxes, levies, surcharges, grid fees for electricity, gas, hydrogen) in an international comparison
  • Support for industrial clients in implementing individual decarbonization strategies, including optimization of self-generation
  • Evaluation and implementation support for new tariff structures (dynamic electricity tariffs, time-variable network charges, network charges for industrial customers, etc.)
  • Assessment of uncertainties through scenario analyses for electricity, gas, and hydrogen
  • Electricity cost assessment for large industry in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and France
Your contact

Christopher Kneip

Support of due diligence projects
  • Technical Due Diligence: Analysis of asset structure, CAPEX and OPEX as well as scenario-based development of CAPEX and OPEX forecasts
  • Commercial Due Diligence: evaluation of the current and future market environment and potential sales options
  • Regulatory Due Diligence: analysis of the regulatory framework and optimization potential as well as the impact of possible adjustments
  • Comprehensive analysis of the opportunities and risks of the transaction and synthesis of the key findings into meaningful reports
  • No publications, as the documents are confidential.

Your contact

Dr. Philipp Heuser
Principal Consultant

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