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Implementation of NABEG at N-ERGIE Netz GmbHConny Dreesbach2023-03-24T14:11:08+01:00
Bavarian network operators get ready for NABEG 2.0Conny Dreesbach2023-03-24T14:11:54+01:00
Risk management: 5 out of 5 stars for E-Bridge approachConny Dreesbach2023-07-18T12:12:32+01:00
Time-variable network tariffs and intelligent energy management for flexible network customersConny Dreesbach2023-03-24T14:13:58+01:00
Project management “Congestion management and redispatch in the distribution grid 2.0″Conny Dreesbach2023-03-24T14:15:01+01:00
Consortium around E-Bridge publishes the Master Plan Flexibility in Brandenburg’s Distribution NetworksConny Dreesbach2023-03-24T14:19:58+01:00
Network planning with flexibility is advantageous – but means a revolution in network planning processesConny Dreesbach2023-03-24T14:20:35+01:00
Implementation Redispatch 2.0Conny Dreesbach2023-03-24T14:28:14+01:00
Bayernwerk – Growth and EfficiencyConny Dreesbach2023-03-24T14:21:28+01:00
Energy Scenarios 2050 of Rheinische NETZGesellschaft – Long-term development of the energy landscape on the basis of political, technological and social changesConny Dreesbach2023-03-24T14:23:09+01:00
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