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E-Bridge symposium “Building Bridges” on 07.06.2024 in BonnConny Dreesbach2024-05-14T13:05:42+01:00
Christmas donation kinderherzen e.V. Stiftung BonnConny Dreesbach2024-05-10T10:15:27+01:00
Network Connection Summit with Henning Schuster and Robert Habeck: Strong support for the Focus Agenda to accelerate network connectionsConny Dreesbach2024-04-17T10:25:36+01:00
Electricity Costs for Large Industrial Consumers: An In-Depth Comparative Analysis of the Netherlands, Germany, France and BelgiumConny Dreesbach2024-04-16T10:28:32+01:00
Best Management Consultants Award 2024Conny Dreesbach2024-04-09T10:47:02+01:00
System service location and operating options for electrolyzersConny Dreesbach2024-03-28T10:24:18+01:00
Webinar on climate protection contractsadmin2024-03-13T10:37:02+01:00
E-Bridge-H2-Index “HydexPLUS” becomes lead index in the German government’s climate protection agreementsConny Dreesbach2024-03-08T13:07:05+01:00
Upcoming Workshop – Congestion management: German experiences and lessons for the NetherlandsConny Dreesbach2024-03-11T14:40:37+01:00
Participation in E-World 2024Conny Dreesbach2024-02-23T09:29:03+01:00
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