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Distribution systems

Distribution grids are the backbone of the energy transition. They are at the center of both the integration of renewable energies and the coordination of a large number of controllable consumers and storage facilities. The trends of decentralization, digitalization, flexibilization and self-sufficiency are leading to new requirements for the distribution grid operator and the municipal utility of the future.

E-Bridge’s regulatory, economic and technical expertise – combined with many years of implementation experience – are guarantors for successful and efficient support of our customers in their biggest challenges around electricity, gas and heating networks.

Your contact

Dr. Henning Schuster
Executive Consultant

Asset management and investments
  • Conception and implementation of value-oriented asset management systems
  • Supporting ISO 55001 certification and sample audits by certified lead auditors
  • Development of planning principles considering flexibilities
  • Optimization of resources with a value-based risk management system
  • Advancement of maintenance and operating equipment strategies
  • Technical and regulatory assessment of electricity and gas networks (transactions)
  • Data utilization in asset management: asset simulations, big data approaches, efficiency potentials
Your contact

Matthias Wessels
Senior Consultant